construction worker calls the contractor about a small problem one afternoon in osaka.
"moshimosh, mister hou s. ton speaking"
"hello, mister hou s. ton san, we have a problem..."
" know the elevated road we`re building in osaka..?"
"yes, of course, what about it?"
"there is a building ahead"
"what? not good, not it a big building?"
"I would say 20 stories"
" we can`t go above it...hmm..tricky business. is it residential or offices?"
"it`s offices, sir"
"what`s the marketprice for offices nowadays?"
"do I look like a real estate agent?"
"I don`t know, we`re talking on the phone..anyway, how many stories do we need, I mean where are we most likely going to penetrate the building?"
"my guess is between the 5th and 8th storey"
"buy them"
"but what if they don`t want to sell?"
"make them an offer they can`t refuse"
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