søndag 13. april 2008

unimportant updates

alex and inga have moved to tsukuba, not far from tokyo but far enough.
there they live in rooms without heating, instruction manual on how to use a toilet and coin showers.
they say sakura house appear as luxury, something I have difficulties believe.
tokyo is not the same without "the partysisters"...

I have experienced and survived my first and second earthquake.
the first one took place while being at the office, nobody except me paid any attention to it.
the others had pretty much the same reaction to earthquakes as to cochroaches, just subtract the toxic glue remover.
they said it was a small one, but you could definitely feel the ground moving. personally, I thought it was high class sci-fi. It felt very unnatural. the second one was almost nothing, and not worth mentioning..but you could feel it.

today I had my first, (and last..I`m sure of) day as a model.
early this morning I took the jr-line to naka-meguro, there I met koji, the brother of yoko who I met at pecha kucha night. he`s a photographer and t-shirt designer. the pictures looked awful.
by awful I mean veryvery bad...sunday mornings is for sure not my best moment in front of a camera.
inga would probably say I looked like a meatball, and she would not be lying.

to night I went to tokyo metropolitan government office, they have a free elevator up to the 45th floor.
I love skyscrapers. I love tokyo by night, it looks so artificial.
I love deserted places, most likely because there are people everywhere.

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